Showing posts with label Point Analysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Point Analysis. Show all posts





It is deadly to most birds. And it is deadly to humans and to other mammals that catch the virus from birds. Since the first human case in 1997, H5N1 has killed nearly 60 per cent of the people who have been infected. Migrating water fowl -- most notably wild ducks -- are the natural carriers of
bird flu viruses. It's suspected that infection can spread from wild fowl to domestic poultry. Bird flu effect on humans and how does it spread Farmer Protest: What did Agricultural minister say on the 7th round of talks One India News People catch bird flu by close contact with birds or bird droppings. Some people have caught H5N1 from cleaning or plucking infected birds. In China, there have been reports of infection via inhalation of aerosolized materials in live bird markets. It's also possible that some people were infected after swimming or bathing in water contaminated with the droppings of infected birds. Notably, people don't catch the virus from eating fully cooked chicken or eggs. Unlike human flu bugs, H5N1 bird flu does not spread easily from person to person. The very few cases of human-to-human transmission have been among people with exceptionally close contact. In Indonesia in 2006, bird flu spread to eight members of one family. Seven of them died. It's not clear exactly how this happened. Family members likely had similar contacts with infected birds. They may also have shared genes that made them particularly susceptible to the virus. However, casual contact does not seem to be involved.


The virus was first detected in 1996 in geese in China. Asian H5N1 was first detected in humans in 1997 during a poultry outbreak in Hong Kong and has since been detected in poultry and wild birds in more than 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.



The first sign of human infection with H7N9 is a high fever and a cough. The virus causes serious respiratory symptoms, including severe pneumonia. This can be fatal.

Sudden changes in the virus proteins take the human immune system by surprise. This is why a new variant causes more serious illness. The human’s immune system has not met it before, so there is no immunity.

Avian Flu Symptoms for Birds

  • Sudden death without any signs.
  • Lack of coordination.
  • Purple discoloration of the wattles, combs, and legs.
  • Soft-shelled or misshapen eggs.
  • Lack of energy and appetite.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Swelling of the head, eyelids, comb, wattles and hocks.
  • Nasal discharge.

Avian Flu Symptoms for humans

  • cough
  • diarrhoea
  • respiratory difficulties
  • fever (over 100.4°F or 38°C)
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • malaise
  • runny nose
  • sore throat



The disease in birds has two forms. The first causes mild
illness, sometimes expressed only as ruffled feathers or reduced egg production. Of greater concern is the second form, known as “highly pathogenic avian influenza”. This form is highly infectious in birds and is rapidly fatal, with a mortality approaching 100%. Birds can die on the same day that symptoms first appear.


·      In humans

1.      wash your hands often with warm water and soap, especially before and after handling food, in particular raw poultry.

2.  use different utensils for cooked and raw meat.

3.  make sure meat is cooked until steaming hot.

4.  avoid contact with live birds and poultry.

·      In birds

However, bird flu can be prevented by avoiding contact with sick poultry originating in countries known to be affected by the virus. Prevention also includes poultry-safety measures such as destroying flocks when sick birds are identified and vaccinating healthy flocks.



In 2007, the FDA licensed the first vaccine in the U.S. for humans against the highly pathogenic bird flu virus. The vaccine is made from inactivated viruses and does not contain any live viruses. It has been shown to stimulate the immune system to make antibodies against the bird flu virus that could presumably protect a person from the bird flu. The vaccine

has been purchased by the federal government for inclusion within the CDC's Strategic National Stockpile. It is not available to the general public in part because the United States does not currently have a problem with the highly pathogenic strain of bird flu. Vaccine side effects include a sore arm, fatigue, or temporary muscle aches. The vaccine has not been tested in large numbers of patients, however, and there may be other side effects that have not yet been detected. The current vaccine is effective against the strain that has caused the large outbreaks of bird flu, but it may not be as effective against a newly mutated strain found in 2011. Consequently, this vaccine seems unlikely to offer protection against the new H7N9 bird flu, but data is not available to date.



Where can people find more information about bird flu?

The World Health Organization ( and ( provides current information about outbreaks and management of bird flu.

How can I avoid getting the flu?

The best way to avoid getting the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year. Influenza viruses evolve constantly, and twice a year WHO makes recommendations to update the vaccine compositions. For the 2016-2017 northern hemisphere influenza season, the vaccine formulation was updated in February 2016 to contain two type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2), and a type B virus.

WHO recommends annual vaccination for high-risk groups including health care workers. People should ideally get vaccinated just before the influenza season begins for the most effective coverage, although getting vaccinated at any time during the influenza season can still help prevent flu infections

Who is most at risk?

People most at risk for severe seasonal influenza are:

pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy

children younger than 5 years

people older than 65 years

people with chronic medical conditions such as HIV/AIDS, asthma, heart and lung diseases and diabetes

people with increased risk of exposure to influenza, which includes health care workers.

How do you stop it from spreading?

Influenza can spread quickly between people when an infected person coughs or sneezes, dispersing droplets of the virus into the air. It can be also spread by hands contaminated by the virus.

Precautionary measures should be taken to limit transmission. People should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing, then throw it out and wash their hands thoroughly and regularly.




Welcome to our blog in today's article, we will learn about the Indian news media and I hope that you will like this article very much because it tells the truth.

So let's start.




We all listen to news in our homes, watching and listening to news has become an important part of our lives But have you ever thought what is the secret behind the news we are watching?

That is, why the news channel is showing us the same news.

Therefore, in today's article, we will talk about news channels, especially Indian news channels.
Indian News Media - Point Analyst
Indian News Media

So if we talk about Indian news channels, then it is basically of two types
1. BJP and 2. non-BJP.
I know you didn't understand anything let me explain
Funding is needed to make any news channel work from where more funding is coming, just keep favoring them.


In recent times, up to 75% of the news channels support the BJP and the rest of the remaining few channels to the other party.
Now I don't have to tell which channel supports whom You must have become so sensible after listening to the news day and night.
Biased News - Point Analyst
Biased News
But now the final thing is that, what these news people are showing us ?
Before I tell you anything about this, I would like you to know why they keep on showing only a limited news on news channels.
REASON BEHIND THIS : The whole game behind this is the TRPs, the higher the TRP of the channel, the more money they get from the advertising company.
Now anyway everyone here wants to earn money And news people get the most TRPs by telling about celebrities,
What did a celebrity eat or drink, how long he slept, what celebrity did not eat and what he did in the hospital, how much time did he go to the toilet.
I am not taking any particular celebrity's name.
REALITY : The news of any poor or forced man is not shown from these news channels unless they don’t have some benefit.
Every day such poor helpless children lose their lives due to hunger.
It does not matter to them, but how much and what a celebrity ate today means a lot to them.
Poor People In India - point Analyst
Poor People In India

Everyday thousands of people are losing their lives due to various diseases,
it does not matter but it means a lot to them that no celebrity has a cough or cold or fever.

Due to financial inconvenience and many reasons,
thousands of children are unable to read and write exams, one has to walk on foot for hours, 

then one covers the distance of kilometers on a bicycle. It does not matter.
But even a flight of Starkids is missed, it will definitely be seen in the breaking news.




So now let's come to the final part of this article that
if our news channels leave the finger of media 

celebrity and funding,
and starts showing the real economic situation of the country, 

show the truth If the voice of the needy reaches their stage, 

then we may be able to see a new India.

New India - Point Analyst
New Thinking New India

Thousands of people, give their lives due to many inconvenience that may be hunger and illness,
this figure will start to decrease.
The administration will also realize their responsibilities,
half of the country's problems can be solved if the news people start doing their work with honesty.
In this article, I have given only a few opinions.
My motive is not to call any news channel media or celebrity bad
and not to hurt their feelings.
Tell us what you think about all this by commenting.
In this article, I have given only a few opinions.
My motive is not to call any news channel media or celebrity bad
and not to hurt their feelings.
Tell us what you think about all this by commenting.






mutation issue

Survival of the fittest the great line said by the great naturalist, geologist and biologist Charles Robert Darwin. Is taken very seriously by corona virus that’s why it mutated itself and had appeared in a new form with new surprises. Viruses mutate all the time, including the novel coronavirus that’s caused the global pandemic.

But a variant that emerged in southeast England in September is causing particular concern, leading to an emergency lockdown in London over Christmas and prompting countries including Canada, France and Germany to halt flights and suspend rail links to the U.K.

The variant is unusually highly mutated.

The most likely explanation is the variant has emerged in a patient with a weakened immune system that was unable to beat the virus. 

Instead their body became a breeding ground for the virus to mutate. 



Health officials in the United Kingdom and around the world are worried about a new, seemingly more contagious variety of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19), which has emerged in the country and was announced over the weekend. The evidence that this new strain spreads more easily between people is not rock solid, but it’s concerning enough to have forced dramatic action.

An increasingly common mutation of the novel coronavirus found in Europe, North America and parts of Asia may be more infectious but appears less deadly, according to a prominent infectious diseases doctor.

Paul Tambyah, senior consultant at the National University of Singapore and president-elect of the International Society of Infectious Diseases, said evidence suggests the proliferation of the D614G mutation in some parts of the world has coincided with a drop in death rates, suggesting it is less lethal.

"Maybe that's a good thing to have a virus that is more infectious but less deadly," Tambyah told Reuters. Tambyah said most viruses tend to become less virulent as they mutate. "It is in the virus' interest to infect more people but not to kill them because a virus depends on the host for food and for shelter," he said. Scientists discovered the mutation as early as February and it has circulated in Europe and the Americas, the World Health Organization said. The WHO has also said there is no evidence the mutation has led to more severe disease.

The new mutation of the coronavirus, that has emerged in the United Kingdom, has not been seen in India so far, officials from the Union Health Ministry told the media on Tuesday. The government also allayed fears over the new mutant strain stating that it does not affect the severity of the disease, but affects the transmissibility and infectiousness of the virus. Assuring that there is no need to panic, officials from the Health Ministry maintained that it is important to follow COVID-19 norms and precautions.


What is N501Y?

In simple words, the amino acid represented by the letter N, and present at position 501 in the coronavirus genetic structure, has been replaced in that position with another amino acid, represented by Y. The position where this alteration has taken place is in the spike protein’s receptor-binding domain. (It is the spike protein of the virus that binds with the human receptor.)

Therefore, the mutation has increased the binding affinity of the coronavirus. The mutated virus reportedly accounts for 60% of recent infections in London.

According to the Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data (GISAID) database, the same mutation in the receptor binding domain has been independently reported in several countries including South Africa and Australia. Sequence analysis has shown that this mutation originated separately in the UK and South Africa.


And what are P681H and HV 69/70?

P681H: This mutation has occurred in the amino acid present at 681 — another position in the receptor-binding domain. Here the amino acid P has been replaced with H. The US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) has said this is a site “with high variability in coronaviruses”, and this specific mutation has also emerged spontaneously multiple times. The WHO has said this mutation is of “biological significance”.

Researchers have earlier shown that this mutation can promote entry into respiratory epithelial cells and transmission in animal models.

Recent samples sequenced at the African Centre of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases, Redeemer’s University, Nigeria has shown the P681H sequence there. However, researchers say that at present, they “do not have evidence to indicate that the P681H variant is contributing to increased transmission of the virus in Nigeria”.

HV 69/70: This mutation is the result of a deletion of amino acids at positions 69 and 70. These positions are again in the spike protein of the virus. This deletion has been observed in France and South Africa as well. The CDC has said: “This double deletion has occurred spontaneously many times, and likely leads to a change in the shape of (i.e., a conformational change in) the spike protein”.

Researchers on behalf of COVID-19 Genomics Consortium UK (CoG-UK), which red-flagged the new variant in the UK, have said in their preliminary report that this deletion was also seen in a mink-associated outbreak in Denmark. In humans, this deletion has been associated with another mutation, N439K, which again occurred the receptor-binding domain.

The WHO has highlighted that this deletion can affect the performance of some RT-PCR tests that detect the novel coronavirus.


Why is this variant causing concern?

Three things are coming together that mean it is attracting attention:

  • It is rapidly replacing other versions of the virus
  • It has mutations that affect part of the virus likely to be important
  • Some of those mutations have already been shown in the lab to increase the ability of the virus to infect cells

All of these come together to build a case for a virus that can spread more easily.

However, we do not have absolute certainty. New strains can become more common simply by being in the right place at the right time - such as London, which had only tier two restrictions until recently.

But already the justification for tier four restrictions is in part to reduce the spread of the variant.

"Laboratory experiments are required, but do you want to wait weeks or months [to see the results and take action to limit the spread]? Probably not in these circumstances," Prof Nick Loman, from the Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium, told me.



Will the vaccines work against the new variant?

Almost certainly yes, or at least for now.

All three leading vaccines develop an immune response against the existing spike, which is why the question comes up.

Vaccines train the immune system to attack several different parts of the virus, so even though part of the spike has mutated, the vaccines should still work.

the only hope

"But if we let it add more mutations, then you start worrying," said Prof Gupta.  

"This virus is potentially on a pathway for vaccine escape, it has taken the first couple of steps towards that."

Vaccine escape happens when the virus changes so it dodges the full effect of the vaccine and continues to infect people.

This may be the most concerning element of what is happening with the virus.

This variant is just the latest to show the virus is continuing to adapt as it infects more and more of us.

A presentation by Prof David Robertson, from the University of Glasgow on Friday, concluded: "The virus will probably be able to generate vaccine escape mutants."

That would put us in a position similar to flu, where the vaccines need to be regularly updated. Fortunately the vaccines we have are very easy to tweak.



Q. How common is this variant?

=> Believed to have been first detected in September, the strain moves fast and is becoming the dominant variant, causing over 50% of infections in London by December, said Patrick Vallance, UK government’s chief scientific adviser.

Q. Is mutation in a virus abnormal?

=> viruses mutate all the time. Most of the new variant die out. Sometimes they spread without altering the virus behaviour. Occasionally, they trigger dramatic changes.

Q. Is the new variant more dangerous?

 => The new variant is spreading more rapidly than the original version, but it is not believed to be more deadly. There is currently no evidence that this strain causes more severe illness, as per an official.

Q. Is it found only in UK?

 => While the variant is found across the UK, it is heavily concentrated in London and south east England. Instances

Of the same variant have been reported in Denmark, Australia and Netherlands.

Q. How many days or years virus live in a lab?

 => researchers say that the virus may remain for 28-30 days in the lab which is equivalent to on around one month. The findings from Australia's national science agency suggest SARS-Cov-2 can survive for far longer than thought.






In this article, We will study  about one of the biggest  ongoing  protest in India  known as Farmers Protest.  As it has been one of  The most serious and famous issue of 2020 in India.

Protesting Farmers

Which is being protested by Indian farmers  against the three farm acts which were passed by the Parliament/Govt. of India.

Hope You’ll  like this article…



The Background approach

The central government released the Model Farming Acts in 2017. However,  after a  period of time number of  suggestions in the acts were not implemented by states. A committee of 07 CMs held on July 2019 to discuss the implementation again.

Later, on 20th and 22nd of September 2020, the three bills were passed by the Rajya Sabha, where the government was in a minority, Ignoring the requests of the opposition , The President of India signed the bills on 28 September, Finally making  these 03 acts.



The Ongoing Protest Situation

The Farmers' protest is currently ongoing protest against the three farm acts mentioned above, passed by Parliament of India in September 2020. The acts have been mentioned as "anti-farmer laws" by some of farmer unions, and politicians from the opposition also. However  The government is mentioning that they will make it effortless for farmers to sell their produce directly to big purchasers, and stated protests are based on misinformation.

Dealings With Farmer


As acts were introduced, Farmers of Punjab began local protests. After two months of protests, farmers from Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana — began a campaign named as 'Dilli Chalo' (Dilli Chalo ------ Means, Let's go to Delhi), in which thousands of farmers started moving towards Delhi.


The Indian government ordered the police of various states to attack farmers using water cannons, batons, tear gas in an effort to prevent the farmers from entering into Haryana first and then Delhi. On 26 November, a country -wide general strike,  according to unions, involved approximately 250 million people in support of the farmers. Approximately between 200,000 to 300,000 farmers were converging at various border points on the way to Delhi.



Farmer's demands

As of 25 December 2020, the farmers' demands include (Data Might be a little bit inaccurate)


Goals Of Farmers
  •  Convene a special Parliament session to repeal the farm law
  • Make minimum support price (MSP) and state procurement of crops a legal right
  • Assurances that conventional procurement system will remain
  •  Implement Swaminathan Panel Report and peg MSP at least 50% more than weighted average cost of production
  •  Cut diesel prices for agricultural use by 50%
  •   Repeal of Commission on Air Quality Management in NCR and the adjoining Ordinance 2020    and removal of punishment and fine for stubble burning
  •   Release of farmers arrested for burning paddy stubble in Punjab
  •  Abolishing the Electricity Ordinance 2020
  •   Centre should not interfere in state subjects, decentralization in practice
  • Withdrawal of all cases against and release of farmer leaders. 



2020 Indian farmer's protest Highlights

Date of Protest -  9 August 2020 To Present

Location - India

Caused by            - Passing of three Farm bills by Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

       Goals :

·         Revocation of all the three Farm Bills

·         Legally ensure minimum support price (MSP)

·         Raise MSP to at least 50% more than the cost of average weighted production

·         Revoke Commission of Air Quality in NCR and adjoining areas (2020)

·         To Implement the recommendations of National Commission on Farmers

·         To take back all the cases against and release farmer leaders

·         To reduce diesel prices by 50% for agricultural activities

·         To revoke Electricity (amendment) Ordinance (2020)

Methods of Protest

1.  Gherao - meaning "encirclement",  A word which denotes a tactic used by labour activists and union leaders in India.

2.  Dharna - A non-violent sit-in protest, which may include fast undertaken at the door of an offender, especially a debtor, in India as a means of obtaining compliance with a demand for justice

3.  Raasta roko - ("obstruct the road") is a form of protest commonly practised in India.  It usually involves large number of people preventing vehicular traffic from using a busy thoroughfare. Pedestrian traffic is not targeted.

4. Demonstration - A demonstration is an action by a mass group or collection of groups of people in favor of a political or other cause or people partaking in a protest against a cause of concern; it often consists of walking in a mass march formation and either beginning with or meeting at a designated endpoint, or rally, to hear speakers. It is different from mass meeting.

Status     -     Ongoing

Parties to the civil conflict

Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare | All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee, Bharatiya Kisan Union

Casualties and losses

Some farmers dead,  injured ( due to suicide, accidents, heart attack and cold).



Opinion : (Provided By Well Known People)

it is an undisputed fact that there was no consultation undertaken by the central government at the time of declaration of the ordinances, and subsequently while pushing the bills through the Parliament”. the new farm laws expressly exclude the jurisdiction of the civil court, leaving the farmers remediless and with no independent medium of dispute redressal mechanism.

So, It’s a humble request to Parliament Or Central Govt.

Sit back and discuss about this with the farmers. And find a suitable solution regarding this protest and demands of farmers, which is comfortable for both the protestors and Govt. Modify The Acts accordingly to solve all the misunderstanding among us.


§  All the data mentioned in this article is given by Deep Analysis With the help of Internet, 
§  From social media of various authorities subjected to Indian Agriculture, Farmer Union, Govt. Portals.
§  Protestors  /  Farmers Statements.
§  Various Indian News Media.


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