Aryabhatta, also known as Aryabhatta I was born possibly around 476 C.E. around the region of the river Godavari. Aryabhatta was one of the earliest Indian mathematicians and astronomers whose pioneering work in these fields is still referenced by many modern scholars. The work in Aryabhatiya is so extensive and detailed that it was years ahead of any work of the time. With so much wisdom compiled in one single book, let’s have an insight into the book and how its composer created it.

Aryabhatta was only 23 when he composed the Aryabhatiya. Before the book, there were Vedic scriptures which detailed mathematical relationships in geometrical shapes for the construction of altars and temples.

There were also other Jain mathematicians whose work also contributed to mathematics. But what makes Aryabhatiya so different is the way it was written.

The entire script was written in Sanskrit and hence reads like a poetic verse rather than a practical manual. There are exactly 123 stanzas in the book and without a tutor, the book would seem ambiguous.

The book is divided into four sections– Gitikapada, Ganitapada, Kalakriyapada and the Golapada, each covering various fields.

Gitikapada dealt with time, especially large units of time. Ganitapada covered mathematics of measurement, arithmetic and geometric progressions.

Kalakriyapada told how one could determine the positions of the planet for any given day and finally, Golapada dealt with the earth’s shape and its celestial presence.

He also said that the moon has no light and shines because it reflects light from the sun. He also proved wrong the false belief that eclipse is caused because of the shadows formed by the shadows cast by the earth and the moon. Aryabhatta used epicycles in a similar manner to the Greek Philosopher Ptolemy to illustrate the inconsistent movement of some planets. This great astronomer wrote the famous treatise Aryabhatiya, which was based on astronomy in 499 AD. This treatise was acknowledged as a masterpiece. In honour of this excellent work Aryabhatta was made head of the Nalanda University by the Gupta ruler Buddhagupta.




Aryabhata was born in the region lying between Narmada and Godavari, which was known as Ashmaka and is now identified with Maharashtra, though early Buddhist texts describe Ashmaka as being further south, dakShiNApath or the Deccan, while still other texts describe the Ashmakas as having fought Alexander, which would put them further north. Other traditions in India claim that he was from Kerala and that he traveled to the North, or that he was a Maga Brahmin from Gujarat.


A verse mentions that Aryabhata was the head of an institution (kulapa) at Kusumapura. Since, the University of Nalanda was in Pataliputra, and had an astronomical observatory; it is probable that he was its head too.

Direct details of his work are known only from the Aryabhatiya. His disciple Bhaskara I calls it Ashmakatantra (or the treatise from the Ashmaka).

The Aryabhatiya is also occasionally referred to as Arya-shatas-aShTa (literally, Aryabhata’s 108), because there are 108 verses in the text. It also has 13 introductory verses, and is divided into four pādas or chapters.

Aryabhatiya’s first chapter, Gitikapada, with its large units of time — kalpa, manvantra, and Yuga — introduces a different cosmology. The duration of the planetary revolutions during a mahayuga is given as 4.32 million years.

Ganitapada, the second chapter of Aryabhatiya has 33 verses covering mensuration (kṣetra vyāvahāra), arithmetic and geometric progressions, gnomon or shadows (shanku-chhAyA), simple, quadratic, simultaneous, and indeterminate equations.

Aryabhatiya’s third chapter Kalakriyapada explains different units of time, a method for determining the positions of planets for a given day, and a seven-day week with names for the days of week.

The last chapter of the Aryabhatiya, Golapada describes Geometric/trigonometric aspects of the celestial sphere, features of the ecliptic, celestial equator, shape of the earth, cause of day and night, and zodiacal signs on horizon.

He did not use a symbol for zero; its knowledge was implicit in his place-value system as a place holder for the powers of ten with null coefficients.

He did not use the Brahmi numerals, and continued the Sanskritic tradition from Vedic times of using letters of the alphabet to denote numbers, expressing quantities in a mnemonic form.

He worked on the approximation for pi thus — add four to 100, multiply by eight, and then add 62,000, the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 20,000 can be approached.

It is speculated that Aryabhata used the word āsanna (approaching), to mean that not only is this an approximation, but that the value is incommensurable or irrational.

In Ganitapada, he gives the area of a triangle as: “for a triangle, the result of a perpendicular with the half-side is the area”. He discussed ‘sine’ by the name of ardha-jya or half-chord.

Like other ancient Indian mathematicians, he too was interested in finding integer solutions to Diophantine equations with the form ax + by = c; he called it the kuṭṭaka (meaning breaking into pieces) method.

His contribution to the study of Algebra is immense. In Aryabhatiya, Aryabhata provided elegant results for the summation of series of squares and cubes through well tried formulae.

His system of astronomy was called the audayaka system, in which days are reckoned from uday, dawn at lanka or “equator”. His later writings, which apparently proposed the ardha-rAtrikA, or midnight model, are lost.

He correctly believed that the earth rotates about its axis daily, and that the apparent movement of the stars is a relative motion caused by the rotation of the earth, challenging the prevailing view.

In Aryabhatiya, he writes that ‘setting and rising of planets’ is a perception similar to that of someone in a boat going forward sees an unmoving (object) going backward.

He correctly asserted that the planets shine due to the reflection of sunlight, and that the eclipses occur due to the shadows of moon and earth, and not caused by a demon called “Rahu”!

He correctly deduced that the orbits of the planets are ellipses; this is another great discovery not credited to him but to Johannes Kepler (a German astronomer, born AD 1571).



1. Aryabhata (476–550 CE) was the first of the major mathematician- astronomers from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy

2. : Works . Aryabhatiya :mathematics Place value system and zero Pi as irrational Mensuration and trigonometry Indeterminate equations Algebra :astronomy Motions of the solar system Eclipses Sidereal periods Heliocentrism

3. His most famous work, Aryabhattiya is a detailed text on mathematics and astronomy. The mathematical part of the Aryabhatiya covers arithmetic, algebra and trigonometry. It also contains continued fractions, quadratic equations, sums of power series and a table of Aryabhattiya

4. Place value system and zero The place-value system, first seen in the 3rd-century Bakhshali Manuscript, was clearly in place in his work. He used letters of the alphabet to denote numbers, expressing quantities, such as the table of sines

5. Pi as irrational Aryabhata worked on the approximation for pi and may have come to the conclusion that pi is irrational. How he arrived it?? He wrote that if 4 is added to 100 and then multiplied by 8 then added to 62,000 then divided by 20,000 the answer will be equal to the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand. This calculates to 3.1416 close to the actual value Pi (3.14159).

actual value Pi (3.14159)

6. trigonometry In Ganitapada 6, Aryabhata gives the area of a triangle as : tribhujasya phalashariram samadalakoti bhujardhasamvargah that translates to: "for a triangle, the result of a perpendicular with the half-side is the area. Aryabhata discussed the concept of sine in his work by the name of ardha-jya, which literally means "half-chord".

7. find N = 8x+5 = 9y+4 = 7z+1??? Aryabhata's method of solving such problems, elaborated by Bhaskara in 621 CE, is called the kuṭṭaka (कु ट्टक) method. Kuttaka means "pulverizing" or "breaking into small pieces", and the method involves a recursive algorithm for writing the original factors in smaller Indeterminate equations

8. Algebra In Aryabhatiya, Aryabhata provided elegant results for the summation of series of squares and cubes.

9. Motions of the solar system Aryabhatta was aware that the earth rotates on its axis. The earth rotates round the sun and the moon moves round the earth. He discovered the positions of the nine planets and related them to their rotation round the sun.

10.  solar and lunar eclipses were scientifically explained by Aryabhata. He states that the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight. Instead of the prevailing cosmogony in which eclipses were caused by Rahu andKetu (identified as the pseudo- planetary lunar nodes), he explains eclipses in terms of shadows cast by and falling on Eclipses

11.  Sidereal periods Considered in modern English units of time, Aryabhata calculated the sidereal rotation (the rotation of the earth referencing the fixed stars) as 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds; the modern

12.  Heliocentrism as mentioned, Aryabhata advocated an   astronomical model in which the Earth turns on its own axis. His model also gave corrections (the śīgra anomaly) for the speeds of the planets in the sky in terms of the mean speed of the sun. Thus, it has been suggested that Aryabhata's calculations were based on an underlying heliocentric model, in which the planets orbit the Sun.



Aryabhatiya is the book written by aryabhatta.Direct details of Aryabhata's work are therefore known only from the Aryabhatiya. The name Aryabhatiya is due to later commentators, Aryabhata himself may not have given it a name; it is referred by his disciple, Bhaskara I, as Ashmakatantra or the treatise from the Ashmaka. It is also occasionally referred to as Arya-shatas-aShTa, literally Aryabhata's 108, which is the number of verses in the text. It is written in the very terse style typical of the sutra literature, where each line is an aid to memory for a complex system. Thus, the explication of meaning is due to commentators. The entire text consists of 108 verses, plus an introductory 13, the whole being divided into four pAdas or chapters:

1.  GitikApAda: (13 verses) Large units of time—kalpa, manvantra, yuga, which present a cosmology that differs from earlier texts such as Lagadha's Vedanga Jyotisha (c. first century B.C.E.). It also includes the table of sines (jya), given in a single verse. For the planetary revolutions during a mahayuga, the number of 4.32mn years is given.

2.  GaNitapAda: (33 verses) Covers mensuration (kShetra vyAvahAra), arithmetic and geometric progressions, gnomon/shadows (shanku-chhAyA), simple, quadratic, simultaneous, and indeterminate equations (kuTTaka)

3.  KAlakriyApAda: (25 verses) Different units of time and method of determination of positions of planets for a given day. Calculations concerning the intercalary month (adhikamAsa), kShaya-tithis. Presents a seven-day week, with names for days of week.

4.  GolapAda: (50 verses) Geometric/trigonometric aspects of the celestial sphere, features of the ecliptic, celestial equator, node, shape of the earth, cause of day and night, rising of zodiacal signs on horizon etc.

In addition, some versions cite a few colophons added at the end, extolling the virtues of the work, etc.

The Aryabhatiya presented a number of innovations in mathematics and astronomy in verse form, which were influential for many centuries. The extreme brevity of the text was elaborated in commentaries by his disciple Bhaskara I (Bhashya, c. 600) and by Nilakantha Somayaji in his Aryabhatiya Bhasya (1465).



Aryabhata's work was of great influence in the Indian astronomical tradition, and influenced several neighboring cultures through translations. The Arabic translation during the Islamic Golden Age (c. 820), was particularly influential. Some of his results are cited by Al-Khwarizmi, and he is referred to by the tenth century Arabic scholar Al-Biruni, who states that Āryabhata's followers believed the Earth to rotate on its axis.

His definitions of sine, as well as cosine (kojya), versine (ukramajya), and inverse sine (otkram jya), influenced the birth of trigonometry. He was also the first to specify sine and versine (1-cosx) tables, in 3.75° intervals from 0° to 90° to an accuracy of 4 decimal places.

In fact, the modern names "sine" and "cosine," are a mis-transcription of the words jya and kojya as introduced by Aryabhata. They were transcribed as jiba and kojiba in Arabic. They were then misinterpreted by Gerard of Cremona while translating an Arabic geometry text to Latin; he took jiba to be the Arabic word jaib, which means "fold in a garment," L. sinus (c. 1150).

Aryabhata's astronomical calculation methods were also very influential. Along with the trigonometric tables, they came to be widely used in the Islamic world, and were used to compute many Arabic astronomical tables (zijes). In particular, the astronomical tables in the work of the Arabic Spain scientist Al-Zarqali (eleventh century), were translated into Latin as the Tables of Toledo (twelfth century), and remained the most accurate Ephemeris used in Europe for centuries.

Calendric calculations worked out by Aryabhata and followers have been in continuous use in India for the practical purposes of fixing the Panchanga, or Hindu calendar, These were also transmitted to the Islamic world, and formed the basis for the Jalali calendar introduced in 1073, by a group of astronomers including Omar Khayyam, versions of which (modified in 1925) are the national calendars in use in iran and afghanistan today. The Jalali calendar determines its dates based on actual solar transit, as in Aryabhata (and earlier Siddhanta calendars). This type of calendar requires an Ephemeris for calculating dates. Although dates were difficult to compute, seasonal errors were lower in the Jalali calendar than in the Gregorian calendar.



  • India's first satellite Aryabhata, was named after him.
  • The lunar crater Aryabhata is named in his honor.
  • The interschool Aryabhata Maths Competition is named after him.



Aryabhata is believed to have died around 550 A.D. He has left an amazing legacy to be sure. A great many modern mathematicians and astronomers look towards his early work for inspiration.



Aryabhata is credited to have set up an observatory at the Sun temple in Taregana, Bihar.

Some sources suggest that Kerala was Aryabhata's main place of life and activity but others refute this statement.

He served as the head of an institution (kulapa) at Kusumapura and might have also been the head of the Nalanda university.

Some scholars claim that the Arabic text ‘Al ntf’ or ‘Al-nanf’ is a translation of one of his works.

His most famous text, ‘Aryabhatiya’, consists of 108 verses and 13 introductory verses.

Aryabhata did not use the Brahmi numerals; he used letters of the alphabet to denote numbers.

It is probable that he might have come to the conclusion that 'pi' is irrational.

He discussed the concept of ‘sine’ in his work by the name of “ardha-jya”, which literally means "half-chord".

Calendric calculations devised by Aryabhata are used for fixing the ‘Panchangam’ (the Hindu Calendar).

He correctly stated that the earth rotates about its axis daily.


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